• Welcome to the AVL ZalaZONE E-learning Platform!

      This is the platform where you can take our online tests. It has been designed to be easy to understand and simple to use.

      You can find your courses on the "My courses" page.


      New Certification Requirements at ZalaZONE

      From January 1, 2025, all drivers performing vehicle tests on the AVL-ZalaZONE test tracks must possess and demonstrate a Proving Ground Driving Licence issued by one of the certified organizations listed on the next page. For more information: https://avlzalazone.com/news/zalazone-test-driver-assessment/

      Only support vehicles can be driven without a Proving Ground driving licence!
      Need help? Contact us at: driving-licences@avlzalazone.com


      ZalaZONE Driver Training

      For more information: https://avlzalazone.com/solutions/driver-training/